Artrage 3 drawing
Artrage 3 drawing

artrage 3 drawing

Avatar art - Browse avatar art that has been uploaded to Yppedia.How to post an image on the forums - Eurydice's tutorial with screenshots.How to post an image on the forums - from the forum documentation.Domokun's Tips and Tricks for Entering Events.Hosting files - Information on how to host files.Avatar - Shows how to take a screenshot, and how to change your forum avatar.Art - Has some basic information about YPP's artist community.Yohoho Tools - Information on downloading, installing and using the scene editor.Synful's Helpful Post from Beat the Champs - Helpful post on island design.Scene editor basics - Some basic information about using the scene editor.Kirppu's Handy Color Chart - Color chart of ground tiles very handy reference for blending different ground tiles into one another in a natural-looking way and hiding the grid.Island design tips - Tips for using the scene editor.Island Design Guide - contains links to download the Yohoho Tools scene editor, a list of commodity objects, how to combat flicker, and lots of other useful information for designing islands.Ingvild's advice on hiding the grid - Handy advice with screenshots.Having trouble getting the Editor to work on your computer? - Emerson's solution.Micklauer's Photoshop smart object test rendering post.Corwyn's PSD with 3D element in shape of the flag, and instructions post.SilveRansom's YPP Easter Egg Rendering for Non-Professional Max Users.Ponytailguy's Applying Texture With 3DS-Max Tutorial.Adrielle's 3ds Max 2010 Egg Rendering Tutorial.These instructions may not work with the current software versions, but contain great tips! Greylady's Seamless skin tutorial for photoshop.Faeree's 3DS Max 2018 Tutorial with Photoshop.Faeree's 2018 Egg Layout Design tutorial.Egg_Design - Links to past contest threads, rendered and flat entries.William Li's Figure drawing: Basic Pose and Construction - From FARP useful resource for drawing people in different posesĮgg Rendering and Creation Tips and Tutorials.Shorty Jack's Photoshop Avatar Tutorial.Salvia and Alemar - a commissioned drawing by Stimmhorn.Phillite's Sausage Approach to drawing dreadlocks.Perspective by Sashas (Principles and technique breakdown).How to make a basic animated avatar - A tutorial by Adrielle.How to get a transparent background using Photo Editor - By Adrielle (originally posted to help with trinket contest entry creation).How to create an avatar on Sumo Paint, the Iljaynell way!.How to color in a black outline in GIMP - By Adrielle.Drawing the Head by Ron Lemen (light and head anatomy).- A collection of easy to follow online step-by-step drawing tutorials.Drawing Now - A list of video tutorials for drawing various characters.Cattrin's guide to resize avatars - How to make a large avatar (especially an animated one) fit under the 60kb limit.Ardea's Flash and Photoshop Avatar Tutorial.Adrielle's Creating Shapes in Photoshop tutorial.Adrielle's Tutorial for creating a simple avatar using ArtRage 2.5 Starter Edition.2 Egg Rendering and Creation Tips and Tutorials.

Artrage 3 drawing